New manuscript: Therapeutic Targeting of the Respiratory Microbiome

Just published online in the Blue Journal: “Therapeutic Targeting of the Respiratory Microbiome,” a Perspective piece by Robert Dickson and other leaders in the study of the respiratory microbiome.

In the past decade, we’ve learned the the respiratory microbiome is 1) detectable in health, 2) altered in disease, 3) variable across patients, 4) correlated with lung immunity, 5) predictive of disease outcomes, and 6) modified by in-use therapies (e.g. antibiotics and oxygen). All of this makes the respiratory microbiome an attractive potential “treatable trait” for future clinical trials.

But what will it take in order for us to modulate the respiratory microbiome therapeutically? In this essay, we explore what is known and what would need to be known before we can achieve this goal.

Manuscript: Therapeutic Targeting of the Respiratory Microbiome (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine)

Robert Dickson